22 scary photos of how people work in an underground steel mill in China

As you know, the situation with environmental pollution in China is absolutely terrifying. In large cities, smog almost never disappears. In order to at least somehow protect themselves, people are forced to go out in special masks, and in no case open windows at home. The blame for the countless number of factories and enterprises that throw into the air the unthinkable volumes of deadly substances for human life. In addition to official state and private production, in China there are many clandestine factories where people work in inhuman conditions. Today, our selection of photographs is about one of these places.

The specialist monitors the operation of the melting furnace

Effectively burning coal, fire sparks paint picturesque paintings

Nobody is interested in ecology here.

Molten metal is like volcanic lava

Bakes like hell, although very beautiful

Illegal worker - a typical phenomenon in clandestine factories

Molten metal and smoke rocker

Harmful fumes rise up

Liquid steel

Work around the clock, even at night

Steel brook

In the afternoon, steel is poured into molds

Of course, this happens at night.

Smoke break

Finished Castings

Textured gears

Waste-free production: waste just dumps where you have to

For the whole landfill

Watch the video: Death toll rises to 78 in China chemical plant explosion 2019 (May 2024).

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