Extreme Guam

The Mariana Trench, the wrecks of the First and Second World Wars, the richest US coral reef, golf courses designed by such great players as Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer ... Believe me, Guam is not only a sport, but also an unforgettable adventure!

If you lead an active lifestyle and can not imagine a vacation without adventure, Guam is the perfect place for you. Water sports, trekking, skydiving, golf, fishing and dolphin watching are just a few of the things we will cover in this article. Come to Guam and see for yourself - a vacation here will cheer anyone up and will certainly be remembered for a lifetime.


You will be surprised, but some of Guam’s main treasures are hidden under water. Guam is a truly legendary place, so on the island you can meet famous divers from all over the world. There is something special here, something that is not found anywhere else in the world.

About three hundred kilometers from the island is the Mariana Trench - the deepest point in the oceans. It is more than 11 kilometers inland. Mortals are not accessible, but terribly interesting to be so close to her!

Guam lies between the waters of the Philippine Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Almost the entire coast of the island is bordered by a wall of coral reefs, the richest and most diverse in the United States. Needless to say, the underwater flora and fauna in Guam is absolutely unique - most of the marine area is a network of protected marine reserves (there are five on the island). Thus, almost all resorts in Guam are located in the conservation area.

Outside the reef ring, you can see more than three hundred species of amazing corals, about a thousand species of curious fish and 220 species of seaweed. There are giant mollusks, different types of eels, puffer fish, butterfly fish, flute snouts, soldier fish, squirrel fish and even a reef shark. At the same time, swimming in the bays of Guam is absolutely safe, since no dangerous marine inhabitants can get into the island’s reef-protected lagoons.

Guam’s bays are considered one of the best diving spots in the world due to the tropical climate that allows you to dive at any time of the year. The average annual water temperature is 27 degrees. The water around the island is highly transparent: underwater visibility is from 22 to 40 meters, that is, average visibility is about 30 meters. In fact, this means that in Guam, even without a mask, you can easily watch amazing marine life.

There are several good diving centers in Guam that will help beginners and show the most interesting diving sites to experienced divers. For example, a few of them: Guam Paul's Dive, Guam Tropical Dive Station, Micronesian Divers Association (every weekend you can get three free lessons with a certified instructor), Ax Murder Tours and Real World Diving. More links to dive centers can be found here.

Popular dive sites

Most of Guam’s most beautiful dive sites are off the coast. Others can be easily and quickly reached by boat. We will tell you only about a few interesting places for diving, the rest you can find yourself upon arrival on the island. So it’s more fun ?!

One of the best areas for diving is Piti bomb bomb, the famous Fish Eye marine park is also located in this reserve, where underwater beauty can be seen through the portholes (in case you come with a diver, but do not dive yourself).

Apra harbor shipwreck

Truly a legendary place. Moreover, the only one in the world where the remains of two ships sunk in the First and Second World Wars lie so close to each other. The German cruiser Cormoran was sunk by the crew in 1917, and the Japanese ship Tokai Maru was shot down by an American submarine in 1944. Ships are at a depth of just over thirty meters, a few meters from each other.

Barracuda rock

Another fantastic place to dive. At the "barracuda cliff" you can see striped lionfish, sea turtles and even octopuses. Depth is from 10 to 32 meters, so it is suitable for divers of any level.

Black coral kingdom

The Kingdom of Black Corals is an excellent dive site where you can admire the magnificent deep-sea reef (100 meters), a sheer wall made of bizarre black corals and sea fans, and swim through two underwater tunnels. In addition, you will find here a huge number of colorful tropical fish.

Blue hole

The Blue Hole is an amazing natural hundred-meter mine in limestone rock, in which = spotted brackets and moray eels are often seen. Sometimes there are whale sharks and even dolphins. Immersion depth up to 55 meters. It will be interesting for both beginners and experienced divers.

Hap's reef

Luxurious reef, which for the abundance of living creatures is also called the "underwater zoo" of Guam. Here you will see sea anemones, lion scorpion, small crabs and octopuses, clown fish and sand perches, lobsters and more. Depth is about 14 meters. By the way, this is one of the best places in Guam for fantastic diving in the middle of the night. Highly recommend.

Other great Guam sites include Crevice, Shark Pit, 11-Mile Reef, Coral Gardens and Gab Gab II (Atlantis sightseeing submarine is also immersed here).

Snorkelling enthusiasts

To see the underwater beauty off the coast of Guam, it is not necessary to wear special equipment, a simple mask is enough. Although, if you add to this tube and flippers, you can see a little more and a little longer! Everything you need can be bought right on the island. You will find colorful coral gardens and the rich life of their underwater inhabitants. Guam's fish is very diverse, curious and bold, can swim very close and even flirt. However, flocks of angelfish, for example, can swim by without paying any attention to you. But you can carefully consider all.

The best spots for exciting snorkeling in Guam are Gun, Ypao and Ritidian coasts. Please note that Ypao is located in the southern part of Tumon Bay, the island’s protected marine reserve. You will find here absolutely safe and truly fascinating snorkeling: more than two hundred species of coral and five hundred species of all kinds of sea creatures.

Another amazing place for snorkeling is Cocos Island. Cocos Island is located three kilometers from the southern tip of Guam. It is surrounded by an extensive barrier reef of extraordinary beauty. This place was chosen by fans of water skiing, windsurfing and, of course, snorkeling. Here you can see adult tuna and barracuda.


Guam is considered the Micronesian capital of golf, so it’s definitely worth playing at least one game here. Believe me, it doesn’t matter whether you have ever done this before or not. It is worth trying at least for the sake of the fantastic views against which the game unfolds - lush green jungle, coconut palms, breadfruit, picturesque rocks and ocean waves - an unforgettable experience is provided.

Well, if you are an experienced player, then you will definitely be impressed by the presence of seven world-class fields of different difficulty levels scattered throughout the island. This is more than 180 holes and unique characteristics that will allow you to apply a different style of play. Some of the golf courses, such as Leopalace in Zonya, are designed by legends such as Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. One of Guam’s courses, Onward Mangilao, is among the top 100 best golf courses in the world. All golf courses are located near major Guam hotels.

Extremals and adrenaline fans

Even if you are looking for a shot of adrenaline on every trip, Guam can offer you something: incredible sky diving and self-piloting an airplane. Parachute jump is carried out in tandem with the instructor (there are Russian speakers), which is absolutely safe, but it tickles the nerves very much. Free fall lasts from 15 seconds to a minute, depending on the gained height and the chosen category of difficulty of the jump. The maximum height is approximately 4200 meters.

For those who love fishing, dolphin watching, boat trips or just stretch a little

If you like fishing, then the eastern part of Guam with many rugged cliffs and cliffs is great for this. To go on a deep-sea trolling, it is better to pre-order a vessel in one of the specialized companies, then the captain will go to a fishing place with great views. Since Guam is located near the Mariana Trench, surrounded by a coral reef, truly incredible fishing awaits you - get ready to catch yellowfin tuna, coryfenas (mahi-mahi), barracuda and, possibly, even someone bigger, like marlin.

Do you like trekking ?! Also not a problem! On Saturdays at nine in the morning, volunteers from Guam Boonie Stompers set out on a tour of Guam's outskirts. With them you can visit the most interesting natural, historical and cultural attractions of the island. The group meets everyone in the capital of Guam - Hagatne, in the central square of Chamorro Village. The participation fee is purely symbolic - two dollars. All additional information can be found here and here.

Sports events in Guam

Guam hosts various exciting events throughout the year, including sports. In 2017, the 39th Annual Smokin Wheels Racing Competitions, which will be held April 7-9, are the most interesting to visit. You will find a whole auto-motorcycle weekend. Details of the event are here.

What else to do in Guam

If the above is not enough, then in Guam you will find yachting, jet skis and skis, catamarans, diving in a submarine, sightseeing flights on airplanes and even swimming with sharks in the oceanarium. Go to Guam and find entertainment to your taste!

Watch the video: Extreme Crew At B-Boy Guam Championships Part 1 (September 2024).

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