Musk ox vs polar bears

In 1976, two dozen musk ox were brought to Wrangel Island, and the next year they took root and began to breed. The musk ox is a large ungulate, however, from the goat family. Despite the name, it has nothing to do with bulls and yaks. Weight reaches 300 kilograms. The coat is very thick and long, it allows you to keep warm even during severe frosts. In general, it is not surprising that they liked the island.

Today these animals are full owners of Wrangel and close neighbors of polar bears. According to recent data, their population has reached limit values ​​for this territory - more than 850 animals. Naturally, musk ox often meet with bears, and I managed to photograph one such meeting ...

Musk oxen live in a herd.

True, the herd is more like a harem - it has one strong male and a bunch of females.

Two males are hanging out a little weaker. Sometimes they fight for second and third place.

If they come close to the heifers, they will get scolded by the leader.

One of my favorite shots.

Please note that their fur is even on the face.

Suddenly a bear appeared.

Ungulates looked at clubfoot with some sadness.

The bear did not show much interest.

Wandered back home.

In general, musk oxen are strong enough animals and are able to repel predators. In case of danger, they stray into a circle, covering themselves with young growth, and when a predator approaches, one male from the herd attacks him. Immediately after the attack, he returns to the circle, or the other members of the herd approach him.

This method of protection is effective against all natural predators, however, it is completely useless when hunting humans. The herd, standing in a circle, remains motionless even when the musk ox is shot from a gun.

Watch the video: musk ox vs bear (April 2024).

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