36 amazing photos proving that Russia is a place of power

We will not tire of repeating that we have many reasons to love our vast and amazing country. After all, where else can you, without leaving your homeland, enjoy the most diverse landscapes and landscapes, visit ancient forests, majestic mountains, permafrost areas and warm sea resorts? Russia is amazing, and this selection of pictures from the most famous photographers and travelers is just another proof of this.

"Ice and fire." Mark Podrabinek. Baikal, Irkutsk region. Dawn.

"Architecture of the morning." Ivan Dementievsky. Leningrad region.

"Harmony and destruction." Vasily Lukyanov. Medveditsa River, Tver Region.

"The fragile breath of a volcano." Oleg Terekhov. Kamchatka, volcano Mutnovsky.

"Aliens". Peter Kosykh. Lake Ladoga, Leningrad Region.

"Sunset on the Shamanic cliff." Natalia Vremyachkina. The village of Shamanka, Irkutsk region.

"The path begins with the first step." Oleg Terekhov. Chaa-Kholsky district of the Republic of Tuva.

"Ice with a thousand-year history." Vasily Ivashentsev. Ust-Lensky reserve, Yakutia.

Labyrinth of the Air element. Anastasia Dyachkova. Olkhon Island, Irkutsk Region.

"The planet smiles like that." Ivan Dementievsky. Kunashir, South Kuril urban district of the Sakhalin region.

"The old mill." Peter Kosykh. Pushkin Mountains, Pskov region.

"Abandoned Village". Peter Kosykh. Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region.

"Northern sky". Peter Kosykh. Solovki, Arkhangelsk region.

"The Ghosts of Bermamyt." Anna Kravtsova. Bermamyt Plateau, Karachay-Cherkessia.

"Volcano tried on a hat." Ivan Dementievsky. Kamchatka, Kamchatka region.

"The road to the clouds." Anna Kravtsova. Sofia Valley, Arkhyz.

"The writings of Kalbak-Tash." Oleg Terekhov. Chuysky tract, Altai Mountains.

"That same organ!" Ivan Dementievsky. Cape Stolbchaty, Kunashir Island, Kuril Islands.

"God of the place." Natalia Vremyachkina. Olkhon Island, Irkutsk Region.

"Aurora Borealis over the sky of Nilmoguby." Ivan Dementievsky. The village of Nilmoguba, Republic of Karelia.

"Calm night." Denis Milezhik. The village of Sheregesh, Kemerovo region.

"The main bay of Kamchatka." Alexander Zheleznyak. Kamchatka, Kamchatka Territory.

"We believe in Russia." Vasily Ivashentsev. North Ossetia.

"The bottom of the ocean under your feet." Vasily Ivashentsev. Hangalass ulus, Yakutia.

"Rafting to the White Sea." Ivan Dementievsky. Keret River, North Karelia.

"Baikal comes to life." Alexander Zheleznyak. The mouth of the Anga River, Irkutsk Region.

"Mound at sunset." Sergey Privalov. The village of Sheregesh, Kemerovo region.

"Misty daybreak on the lakes of North Karelia." Ivan Dementievsky. North Karelia.

"The gentle breath of the North." Sergey Vakorin. White Sea, Kandalaksha Bay, Murmansk region.

"From dreams." Karina Sedletskaya. Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory.

"Autumn Elagin". Peter Kosykh. Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region.

The kingdom of blue. Anton Sorokin. Mzymta River, Krasnodar Territory.

"Valaam sunset". Peter Kosykh. Valaam Island, Republic of Karelia.

"City of the Dead Dargavs." Alexander Zheleznyak. North Ossetia, a suburban area of ​​North Ossetia-Alania.

"Harmony of the earth and sky." Alexey Dubrovsky-Filippov. Sikhote-Alin, Khabarovsk Territory.

"Gerda's road." Alexey Dubrovsky-Filippov. Krasnodar region.

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