The road to heaven is China's worst road

If you have incredible courage and excellent fortitude, then while traveling in the Chinese province of Hunan, you will be extremely curious to visit the "Road to Heaven" in Tien Meng Shan. This is one of the most terrible roads in the world, with one glance at which most people begin to shame their knees shamefully, depriving them of any chance to take the slightest step in her direction.

This road has another name - "The Great Gate Road".

The highest section of the road rises 1300 meters above sea level.

Such an impressive serpentine began to build in 1998, all the work took eight years.

She wriggles so abruptly that overcoming her turns is clearly not for the faint of heart.

"Road to Heaven" can rightfully be called one of the most amazing sights of this province.

Amazingly, the road is also called the “99 Turns Road”.

According to Chinese mythology, there are nine palaces in heaven, so in the country's culture, the number 9 is considered lucky.

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