Scientists have shown terrifying creatures that they found at a depth of 4900 m in the ocean

No need to fly into space to explore places where people have never been before. Recently, an international team of scientists conducted the world's first study of biodiversity in abyssal waters off the east coast in Australia.

The abyssal zone is at a depth of 4,000 to 6,000 meters. This zone remains in constant darkness, the water temperature here is 2-3 ° C, and this is an environment with very limited nutrition. "The abyss is the largest and deepest habitat on the planet, covering the world's oceans and a third of Australia, but it remains the most unexplored environment on Earth," says Victoria Ouhara, senior curator of the Victoria Museum.

Scientists were divided into two shifts (2: 00-14: 00, 14: 00-2: 00), relentlessly lowering the equipment to a depth of about 5000 meters. They lifted over 100 different species of living creatures aboard their ship. Five of them have never been discovered before!

The capture process included the differentiation of various species, photographing these terrifying creatures (to fix color), extracting a muscle sample for analysis. Ichthyologist John Pogonoski says that it took them many hours to process the samples. He believes that such a "journey" into the depths is a "frontier science" and, undoubtedly, improves our understanding of the deep sea. Scientists are still busy preserving finds for museums around the world. They also want these samples available for future research.

Red spiny crab


Glass sponge

Peanut worm

Luminous shark

Lizard fish

Drop fish

Faceless fish




Zombie worm

Giant sea spider sucking anemones

Harbour porpoise

Flat sea urchin

Carnivorous crustacean

Tripod fish

Watch the video: What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like? (May 2024).

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