10 interesting facts about the population of our planet

Statistics is a very useful science with which you can calculate and measure everything. We have collected some interesting statistics on the population of our planet as a whole and on some of its regions.

There are a lot of us

According to UN estimates, over the past 30 years, population growth has been particularly rapid. Every 12 years there are 1 billion more people on Earth. The milestone of 8 billion people will overcome the planet in 2024.

Asian and African populations growing fastest

In Indonesia alone, an island state between the Indian and Pacific Ocean, as many people live as in France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Portugal and Austria combined - more than 260 million.

Smiths, Carlson and Lee

According to statistics, the most common surname on the planet is the Chinese surname Li, whose carriers are more than 100 million people around the world. In Spanish-speaking countries, most people are named Garcia and Gonzalez, with a total of more than 20 million. In English-speaking countries, the most common surname is Smith, whose carriers there are more than 4 million people, and in Russia the most Smirnovs are 2.5 million. But the most surprising is the 300,000 Carlsons in Sweden, which make up 3% of the country's population.

Righties and Lefties

In the modern world, about 10% of men and 8% of women are left-handed.

Canada is the most educated

About 50% of the population of this country has a higher or secondary specialized education. Further by a small margin are Israel (45%) and Japan (44%).

Old age is not joy

In Japan, people work up to 70 years, in the USA - up to 65 years, and in Russia - up to 60, until, finally, they can count on retirement benefits. Well, in countries such as China, India and Thailand, only former government employees receive a pension after reaching old age, all the rest have to rely only on themselves or their relatives. The situation is similar in almost all African countries and in many countries with low living standards around the world.

Singaporeans are Chinese

The population of Singapore, a rapidly developing city-state, is not the people of Singaporeans, but the real Chinese. There are more than 76% of them in this country, followed by the Malays, of whom more than 13% are in Singapore.

The world moves to cities

Just imagine, 30 million people live in the Chinese city of Chongqing, which is more than the population of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark combined. Today, the number of urban inhabitants of the planet is 3.9 billion people, and this is more than 50% of the population of the entire globe.

One in five Alaskans is German

The population of Alaska has a multinational composition, and immigrants from Germany prevail among migrants, of whom about 20% of the population. While Germany itself is a welcome place for many migrants to live, the Germans themselves do not sit still and are looking for a better share in other countries of the world.

French children

For every native Frenchwoman of childbearing age, there are an average of 1.8 children. And for every migrant living in France, there are an average of 6 children.

Watch the video: 12 Strange US Geography Facts No One Told You About (May 2024).

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