What in Norway do with bicycles

Norway is a bicycle country; Norwegians love bicycles. But sometimes this love takes on bizarre forms!

During our monthly trip to Norway on bicycles in August this year, bicycles used, to put it mildly, “not for their intended purpose”, caught my eye many times.

The simplest thing is to paint the old bicycle with bright paint and put it near the house like that.

And that the flag of Norway was always nearby.

Someone goes further in terms of creativity.

With a little effort, your old device turns into a bicycle bed! I think it's very pretty.

Often the great ones stand right on the sidelines, and no traffic cops are against it!

And again the flags.

Well, but how is this to be understood ?!

In appearance, a clear, well-functioning Merida is quite worth a lot of money.

But what is Norwegians money, the main thing is to be beautiful!

And this one was standing at the entrance to the office. The fire!

Or maybe the office was a fire department?

As if someone just left for a while.

But no, upon closer inspection - this is also a flower bed.

And this is a flower bed.

Idea! But what if you paint it with a luminous paint so that it sparkles in the dark at night?

Surely someone has already done.

Norwegians are generally aesthetes.

It's a bit of a stop right on the road.

Well, mailboxes are also masterpieces sometimes.

That's what it means - people have a lot of free time)

A bicycle thrown right in the fairway.

Watch the video: Bikepacking Norway Documentary The Arctic Coast (April 2024).

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