The Swiss invented a round drone: what is its advantage over other models

The advent of drones allowed people to reach a completely different level in many industries, from agriculture to delivery of parcels and a detailed study of the terrain online. Unmanned aerial vehicles are in demand in the modern world, and therefore engineers continue to improve them, increase the limit of transported goods and increase the life of the aircraft. But Swiss engineers from Flybotix decided to radically change the appearance of the drone, making it round. What eventually happened and most importantly, why they did it, we will tell in our review.

The new drone has two screws, which are enclosed in a ring with a diameter of 30 centimeters. Traditional drones are equipped with 4 screws and, accordingly, 4 engines necessary for their work. The new model allows you to reduce the energy consumption of the batteries without losing the lift of the aircraft. According to the manufacturers, due to the extension of the propellers, an annular drone with two propellers has an advantage in power, which means it can fly longer on a single charge. In addition, the new aircraft is equipped with an improved stabilization system, which also saves energy consumption.

Watch the video: Drones battle in boxing-style bout (May 2024).

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