Japanese turns popular Internet memes into fun sculptures

Memes have long become an integral part of our lives. None of us love spam, but a newsletter with funny photos and funny signatures definitely uplifts and makes you smile. With the development of the Internet, memes have become very popular, because sometimes they are only able to describe our condition, mood, weather outside, any situation, starting from our everyday life and ending with politics.

The term "meme" was coined in 1976 by Richard Dawkins. The biologist introduced a new word to somehow describe the symbol of cultural imitation, which is transmitted from one person to another. Of course, the concept of a meme is broader than just a picture, it is any catchy phrase or, perhaps, even a manner of behavior that is transmitted completely unconsciously from person to person. But it was on the Internet that memes began a second life.

Watch the video: Perfectly Captured Animal Images Get Turned Into Hilarious Sculptures (May 2024).

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