Asian supermarkets revert to leaf instead of plastic packaging

Modern mankind has many problems, but, undoubtedly, one of the most relevant and global is the death of the environment due to plastic pollution. At the same time, the often published information that processing can help in this situation does not correspond to reality at all. For example: in 2013, the USA alone produced 254 million tons of garbage, and only 30% of this mass was recycled. This means that the rest of the waste was in a landfill, where for another thousand years they will emit toxic gases and from where they can easily get to other territories and into the ocean, destroying all life on its way. Alas, most of us do not see this bleak reality.

For the situation to begin to change, as many people as possible need to recognize and recognize the danger. You should use every opportunity to tell that the plastic packaging that we use only a few minutes for another hundreds of years will be a mortal threat to living things on Earth.

Recently, supermarkets across Asia have come up with a very important eco-friendly initiative: they started using leaves instead of plastic bags to pack vegetables.

This is not only a great way to save on the purchase of packaging materials, but also a great example of how to avoid using a huge amount of plastic that kills the planet.

Until recently, Asian countries were often accused of being the ones responsible for creating the greatest amount of garbage. Today they are pioneers in the search for ways to replace the usual plastic. This idea is the foundation for many startups in Asia. Bio-packaging of leaves has just become one of such undertakings.

Photos of the first neatly and stylishly wrapped vegetables on the shelves of the supermarket suddenly became viral, receiving 3.5 million views. They began to support a remarkable trend in food stores across Asia. It should be noted that, among other things, such an innovation has a good effect on the reputation of sellers, representing them as wise, conscious and responsible entrepreneurs.

Watch the video: Asian supermarkets using banana leaves instead of plastic - TomoNews (May 2024).

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