Iceland - Pictures from Another Planet

Once, thinking about where to spend the next January holidays, Katerina and I looked at a small island in the North Atlantic Ocean. Why not? I wanted to go to Iceland for a long time, but not to go there, after all, in the summer, when everything was packed with tents there. And the footage with green grass from there, I also do not really like. What if they also show the northern lights?

Iceland is harsh in winter. Mostly due to the wind. A wind of 30 m / s is quite normal. I still wonder how Icelanders managed to find on their island such a place for the airport, where the wind is always less intense than anywhere else in the island.

There are no trees in Iceland. At all. Well, more precisely, they are in private areas around the houses. This is considered very pathetic.

In winter, there is only one road in Iceland - No. 1. This is the ring road around the island. All. All other roads are closed. True, they say that there are not so many of them.

All more or less beautiful places on the coast are not just convenient access, but equipped with parking, and sometimes a warm toilet with light inside.

True, all more or less beautiful places are also equipped with fences made of tensioned ropes. But this does not so much mean "there is nothing to stomp the earth here", but rather "fall down and break your neck."

By the way, falling is not difficult when the wind rises under twenty. For example, sea foam was constantly flying in the face, although it was generally far from the sea.

Comprehensive car insurance covers everything except doors turned inside out by the wind and glass shattered by the wind. I personally saw how the windshield blew off the rear window of the jeep. The jeep was just parked at the hotel.

This is perhaps the only place where it is not so easy to get to. Only at low tide and still knee-deep in water. And yes, you have to watch when the water starts to arrive. And it may be too late.

Ice caves are roulette. You don’t know in advance how big and beautiful it is inside. You can get into the cave only with a local guide who, of course, will tell you that it is huge and bright. We wanted to visit 2 caves, but the weather was such that many caves were flooded.

In general, “I don’t like the weather - wait 5 minutes, maybe it will change” often works. Although we had one day when we didn’t just shoot nothing, we were afraid to go outside. Then the wind was 33 m / s! But in Höbn, the wait for the weather worked.

When we arrived here, it was just overcast and ugly. And after 10 minutes a strong wind came up from the sea with a snow charge. After another 15 minutes, a rather large snow croup was scattered between the bumps.

The croup did not lie for long, but after that the sun came out. And all this was in an hour of time.

Well, what is Iceland without ice on black volcanic sand)!

Ice, by the way, was not enough. Again, due to the wind that blew in the wrong direction.

Well, the hat of Gandalf)

Icelandic churches are beautiful in any weather. In the background, by the way, are beautiful mountains. But they are not visible.

A little more, and the church will also not be visible.

And what about the northern lights? We were shown the northern lights on the very last evening, when we had to go to the airport. But it was still cool)

Completing these photographs (half I did a long time ago), I realized that I again wanted to go to Iceland. Or in the fall, or in the winter. It’s very cool there. There is some other world. But at the same time there is civilization.

Watch the video: A Travel Film From Another Planet :: Iceland (May 2024).

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