Insidious Death Valley in Kamchatka: tourists are not recommended to come here

In the valley of the Geysernaya River, on the Kamchatka Peninsula, is located one of the most dangerous places in our country - Death Valley. Every year, hundreds of terrestrial animals and birds find their last refuge here. Even the instinct of self-preservation does not help the wild inhabitants of Kamchatka to avoid death in this anomalous zone.

Death Valley is located at the foot of the active volcano Kikhpinich, on the eastern edge of the Kamchatka Peninsula and is part of the Kronotsky Reserve. Its dimensions are small: about 2 kilometers in length and not more than 500 meters in width. This anomalous zone is famous for the fact that many skeletons and corpses of animals that died under strange circumstances were discovered here. Here were found the remains of small rodents, as well as larger mammals - bears, foxes, wolverines. Kronotsky Reserve is often visited by travelers, but they do not organize tours to the Death Valley.

Despite the active research of Kamchatka by volcanologists, zoologists and geographers, scientists only knew about this unusual place in 1975. After it became clear that in this valley the remains of deceased representatives of fauna are found in large numbers, specialists from various scientific communities rushed to the valley in order to find out the cause of their death.

As a result of a comprehensive study of the Death Valley, it was possible to find out that all animals died from the effects of poisonous gases that are released in this place. In the bowels of the earth, at the foot of an active volcano, active processes are constantly ongoing, as a result of which a deadly gas mixture leaks to the surface. Evaporations of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and hydrocyanic acid were recorded in this part of the Geysernaya river valley. These gases cause poisoning, suffocation, and respiratory paralysis. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the valley has the shape of a bowl, where air exchange with surrounding landscapes is difficult. Therefore, the poisonous gases released from the bowels of the earth for a long time remain in the valley, gradually increasing concentration.

In the spring, after the snow melts and the temperature rises, rodents enter the Death Valley. In search of food, they enter a territory with a high concentration of poisonous gases and become victims of this insidious place. Attracted by the smell of falling, predators penetrate into the valley, some of which never leave this sad place. For scientists, it remains a mystery why larger animals do not leave the valley at the first sign of malaise or a foul smell.

In the summer, the territory of the Death Valley is regularly monitored. Scientists take out the corpses of small animals beyond its boundaries so that their smell does not attract predators. Thanks to this work, the victims of the treacherous valley are becoming smaller.

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