Portraits of identical twins from around the world show how different they are.

Photographer Peter Zelewski spent the last couple of years exploring the special world of twins. He studies not only the incredible connection between them, but also what distinguishes them from each other, allowing unique and unique personalities to manifest themselves.

Peter has a special passion for portraiture, he prefers to shoot his characters in the open air under natural light. Zelewski photographs identical twins of different ages and genders who live in cosmopolitan London, where he himself has lived since the 1980s, although he was born in Detroit.

"The first time I started a project, no doubt, because of the visual appeal that interested me the most in shooting twins- says the photographer. - But as the project evolved, the distinctive features became no less interesting. ".

Despite the fact that the twins intentionally dress the same and even take similar poses to emphasize their unity, Zelevsky manages to capture their individuality in the subtle differences in the expressions and moods they exhibit.

Joe and Duke.

Chloe and Lee.

Avea and Anaya.

Reggae and Mickey.

Delaila and Tullula.

Ronya and Ver.

Tomo and Lorenzo.

Christian and George.

Kira and Thaya.

Devontay and Dijon.

Hermon and Heroda.

Yasmine and Leila.

Polly and Sophie.

Irene and Sharon.

Jerome and Joel.

Eagle and Clara.

Violet and Irina.

Sharmin and Ridwan.

Callum and Max.

Rebecca and Edwin.

Watch the video: Portraits Of Identical Twins Show Just How Different They Are (May 2024).

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