Famous people abducted after death

Famous people have many fans who sometimes do not leave their idols alone even after their death. A sufficient number of cases are known when the bodies of popular people were abducted after burial. And many were missing. The most high-profile case of this kind was the abduction of the body of the late Charlie Chaplin on March 1, 1978. We learn about other abductions of great people after their death.

Saint mark

As history shows, the relics of saints, perhaps, steal most often. An amazing story happened with the relics of St. Mark the Evangelist, which was later immortalized on the frescoes of the Venetian Cathedral in his name.

St. Mark is considered a symbol of Venice, although this city was founded much later than his death. Despite the fact that the saint has never been to Venice, there is a legend that Mark supposedly had a dream, where an angel appeared to him and predicted that it was there that he would find peace. After the death of the saint, the Venetian merchants Buono and Rustico accidentally made a prediction when they stole the body from Alexandria and secretly transported it to their country. At the moment, this legend is captured on the frescoes of St. Mark's Cathedral, in the main square of Venice. The relics of the saint to this day are also stored there.

Yaroslav the Wise

Yaroslav the wise after death was also unlucky to fall into the hands of the kidnappers. When in 2009 his sarcophagus was opened in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, it turned out that the remains of the Grand Prince of Kiev had disappeared without a trace. The main version says that the ashes were taken out by the German invaders to the USA and thereby repeated the fate of the Icon of St. Nicholas the Wet.

Dante Alighieri

The creator of the great "Divine Comedy" Dante Alighieri, who during his life was recognized as a heretic and expelled from his native Florence for anti-state activities, also got on this list. After his death, his body was buried in the church of San Francesco, in Ravenna. But when Dante was nevertheless recognized as a genius and arrived solemnly to transport his remains to his homeland, it turned out that his coffin was empty. Most likely, the Franciscan monks prudently hid his body from the wrath of the Pope, who in past times dreamed of burning Alighieri for heresy.

However, the ashes of the brilliant poet were eventually found. True, by accident. When the restoration of the Church of San Francesco began in the 21st century, a box was found in one of the walls, the inscription on which read: "Dante's bones were put here by Antonio Santi in 1677."

Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

The great Russian writer, during his lifetime, was distinguished by "oddities" in behavior, but who would have thought that they would continue after his death. When, in order to reburial, his coffin was opened in 1931, we saw that the head of the late Nikolai Vasilyevich had disappeared and had not been found so far.

Sigmund Freud

On New Year's Eve, on the night of January 1, 2013, unknown people broke into the London Golders Green crematorium, where the ashes of many celebrities are stored. Their goal was the remains of the inventor of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud. At the last moment, something scared the kidnappers, and they hastened to hide. That's just at the same time damaged the ancient Greek urn with its ashes.

Charlie Chaplin

March 1, 1978 a couple of malefactors stole the body of the famous comedian Charlie Chaplin and began to demand a ransom from his widow - 650 thousand dollars. However, the thieves did not get the money, because the police caught them and returned Chaplin's body to its place. And so that there would be no further encroachments, the grave was flooded with concrete.

Kurt Cobain

In 2008, in Caliphony, robbers entered the house of actress and singer Courtney Love and took the urn with the ashes of her husband Kurt Cobain. Later, investigators found the remains of the world famous leader Nirvana from the German artist Natalia Stellmah. The woman said that she bought the ashes of Cobain, as she was going to smoke it at the close of her exhibition, thus freeing the soul of the great musician.

Watch the video: Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens 111 (May 2024).

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